1. Approval of minutes from meeting of November 12, 2019 (see attached).
2. Update on ad hoc academic staff search for Spring 2020.
3. Departmental staffing budget for 2020-2021.
4. Update on need for changes in Clinical Professor renewal policy regarding expectations as MSW Field Coordinator and vote to approve revised document (see attached).
5. Status of faculty search for 2020-2021. (Personnel Committee may meet immediately following Department Meeting).
6. Departmental response to PACUAS Departmental Survey and scheduling a meeting with representatives.
7. Internships in the Social Sciences.
8. CSWE Accreditation communications.
9. Continuing education opportunities.
10. Curriculum updates (BSW and MSW).
11. Social Work/Counseling Workshops for Approval.
12. MSW admissions update.
13. Budget updates: 102 and vending.
14. Student concerns, reports from student representatives.
15. Items from the co-chairs.
16. Items from the floor.
17. Adjournment.
John Cross