Social Work
01:00 pm
Swart Hall 303
1. Items
a. Approve Previous Minutes
b. Continuing Education – Colleen
c. Brainstorming. Select topics to discuss. Possible options below. We will return to and possibly add to this as we resolve some of it.
d. Big picture issues
i. Size of student body
ii. Focus / Foci of BSW and/or MSW
iii. Distinct Qualities
1. Opportunities
2. Experience of Students
e. More specific issues
i. Admit weaker students to probation.
ii. Communicate Field expectations.
iii. Reviewing our documents
iv. Program evaluation as department promotion
v. Communicating outside opportunities to students
vi. Formalize admissions committee sharing
vii. Protocols for changing field placements.
viii. Summer retreat.
ix. Increase salaries.
x. Certificates or add designations.
1. Title IVE.
2. Substance Abuse.
xi. Broader recruiting strategies
xii. Shift SW 708 and 728 to regular semesters.
Renee Pasewald