1. Approval of minutes from meeting of December 10, 2019 (see attached).
2. Determination of Faculty and Continuing Academic Staff merit, need to submit merit info (see attachment of merit policy from last meeting).
3. Title IX Training (Natasha Aguilera).
4. Update on candidate schedules for faculty/chair search for 2020-21 on-campus interviews.
5. Partnership data request due from department late January (see attached from previous meeting).
6. Potential class coverage arrangements.
7. Continuing education opportunities.
8. Curriculum updates (BSW and MSW).
9. MSW admissions update.
10. Budget updates: 102 and vending.
11. Student concerns, reports from student representatives.
12. Items from the co-chairs.
13. Items from the floor.
14. Adjournment.
John Cross