Video Conference Call
1. Approval of minutes from March 7, 2024, and November 9, 2023.
1. December minutes are still unaccounted for.
2. Curriculum Proposals (Forms approved at this division meeting will move to the curriculum committee meeting on May 21st. Form Cs and USP will be tabled until the APC committee meets back up in the fall. APC’s last meeting is May 9th for this academic year. Form As and Bs will be processed in the Registrar’s office for spring 2025.)
1. Indigenous Studies Form A – 446 Independent Study
2. Indigenous Studies Form C – Adding new courses to the certificate
3. Sociology Form A – SOC 366
4. Psychology Form C – Remove PHIL 316 from Major
3. USP Workgroup Update
4. Division Method and Capstone Courses Discussion
5. Announcements from Associate Dean
6. Discussion items from Chairs and Program Directors
7. Adjournment
Claire Armstrong