Video Conference Call
The Microsoft Teams meeting can be found here:
1. Approve minutes from April 9, 2020
2. Curriculum Proposals:
New Business:
AAS Face-to-Face Form C
Criminal Justice minor- updates required courses (Form C)
Global Scholar Certificate- new certificate (Form C)
INTRNTL 490: Global Scholar ePresentation- new course (Form A)
International Studies: Global Scholar Option- adds INTRNTL 490 to program (Form C)
SOC 281: Social Statistics- updates prerequisites (Form B)
3. COEHS Form Cs for discussion: Mick Rutz
Teaching and Learning/Human Kinetics and Health Education
Teaching and Learning/Special Education
History Department Response
4. Announcements from the Associate Dean.
5. Discussion items from Chairs and Program Directors.
6. Adjournment
Samantha Anderson