Search & Screen Committee Tiering Meeting – Administrative Asst-Testing Services
06/29/2022 01:30 pm In-Person Polk Library Room 4 §19.85 (1)(c) consideration of employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data AGENDA Search and Screen Tiering Meeting Wednesday, June 29, 2022 1:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Polk Library/Rm 4 Administrative Assistant II – Testing Services Search and Screen Chair: Melanie Marine Search and Screen Members: Nancy Bogenhagen, Rob Clancy, Ruth Picknell Search Assistant & Member: Nicole Richter-Smith Confidentiality All committee deliberations and all committee materials shall be considered and kept confidential. Unless specifically provided for under these procedures, no business of the committee shall be discussed outside of committee meetings with non-committee members. We are required to keep confidential the names of all applicants for all positions (where the confidentiality request is in writing). Interview Bias Guide (also available at the end of the agenda) Agenda 1. Call meeting to order (Melanie) 2. Convene in closed session (Group) a. Announcement: Wisconsin State Statute, Section 19.85 (1)(c), authorizes closed session for “Consideration of employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data.” Given the nature of our next agenda item, tiering candidates for the Financial Aid Officer position, I now entertain a motion to convene in closed session. (Melanie) b. Motion: I move to convene in closed session. (Anyone) c. Second: I second the motion. (Anyone) d. Vote to convene in closed session. The vote of each member on the motion to close the session must be ascertained and recorded in the meeting’s minutes. (Group) 3. Tiering of candidates (Group) 4. Interview recommendations/decisions (Group) a. Decide on who we recommend for interviews and why. b. Decide if we want to proceed with phone interviews or recommend we go directly to campus/virtual interviews and why? 5. End closed session and reconvene open session (Group) a. Announcement: I now entertain a motion to end closed session and reconvene open session (Jenna) b. Motion: I move to end closed session and reconvene open session. (Anyone) c. Second: I second the motion. (Anyone) d. Vote to end closed session and reconvene open session. (Group) 6. Phone Interviews (Group) – If Needed a. Length of interviews. b. Select interview questions. c. Who will participate in phone interviews? Must have at least 2 committee members. d. Proposed dates/times of interviews. 7. Campus/Virtual Interviews (Group) a. Itinerary/Schedule b. Length of interviews. c. Interview questions. d. Dates/times. 8. Reference Checks 9. Meeting adjourned (Group) Nicole Richter-Smith 06/28/2022