Old Business:
1. Approval of Minutes from 2.21.20
2. Publication Bonus 11.2
• Requests routed and approved:
Data Collection/Kathy Elertson/Treatment for Adolescent Substance Abuse Simulation Training in Nursing Curriculum/This was approved by committee via email
Data Collection/Jason Mott/Jacob Shefchik/UW Oshkosh CON/This was approved by committee via email
New Business:
1. Data collection request/Heather Ferrillo, Sacred Heart University/Need data from undergrad students between 2/26 and 3/26/Online 5-10 minute survey
2. Travel acknowledgements: Shelly Lancaster and Catherine Schmitt/will represent the CON/Simulation funding/WLN Conference in Eau Claire, WI
3. Travel request/Jason Mott/AAMN Annual Conference in San Diego, CA/He will represent the CON and also podium presentation/Conference covered at 100%
4. Online course request/Jennifer Basler/5-week National Inclusive Excellence Leadership Academy Course/She is asking for $1,500 be paid by R&PD and the rest will be paid by Foundation funds
5. Online course request/Heather Englund/5-week National Inclusive Excellence Leadership Academy Course/She is asking for $1,500 be paid by R&PD and the rest will be paid by Foundation funds
Ann Paremski