1. Consideration/approval of minutes of January 8, 2020 meeting (one-drive file 2)
2. Action Items
a. Non-CAPP on-line General Psychology course for High School Students (one-
drive file 3)
3. Discussion Items
a. Research Requirement Credits Spring 2020 (Chris/Quin)
b. Pre-Screen Questionnaire (Quin)
c. Professional Counseling request (Quin)
d. Program Review recap & next steps (Jim)
e. 101/102 enrollment strategy for AY 20-21 (Jim) (one-drive file 4)
f. Date for Psychology Dept Research & Scholarship day
g. Teaching-Scholarship-Service balance: development of evaluation standards for scholarly outcomes for 2nd year, 4th year, tenure, & promotion decisions (one-drive file 5)
4. Announcements from Faculty
5. Upcoming Events:
a. Next Department Meeting (1-3 PM CC 34) February 28, 2020
Jenny Carter