Psychology Department
01:00 pm
Clow C034
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Department of Psychology Meeting Agenda
February 3, 2023, 1-3:00 PM in CC 34 or via Teams
A. Consideration of December 9, 2022 meeting minutes (one-drive file 2)
B. Action Items
1. Form A – New Course: Environmental Psychology (Psych 265) (one-drive files 3a & 3b)
2. Form C – Designate Environmental Psychology (Psych 265) as elective for Psychology
majors and minors (one-drive file 4)
3. Forms B – Revise course descriptions for 211 (Current Topics in Psychology) and 451
(Seminar in Applied Psychology) to include the following sentence: “Students may take the
course twice with different content.” (one-drive files 5 & 6)
4. Continuation course fee for 4th year graduate students
C. Discussion Items
1. Input/Feedback for revision of Annual Performance Evaluation Policy (one-drive file 7)
2. Stats-Methods sequence topics (#3) from the list distributed by UCC (one-drive file 8)
3. By-Laws sentence re Associate Chair (one-drive files 9a {Bylaws current version}, 9b
{Bylaws Revision Draft based on FSCBC policy} & 9c {FSCBC Bylaws Standards)
4. DFW rates in 101, 123 & 203. (one-drive file 10)
D. Announcements
1. Psychology Department Scholarship recipients (one-drive files 11a-c)
E. Upcoming Events.
1. Next Department Meeting: February 10, 2023, 1 PM (single agenda item)
2. Others
Jennifer Carter