Psychology Department
01:00 pm
Video Conference Call
Department of Psychology
March 4, 2022, 1-3:00 PM
Teams Meeting Link: See below
A. Consideration of minutes of February 18, 2022 meeting (one-drive file 2)
B. UWO Online Degree Initiative: Guests – Mike Bartlett (AVC for Online and Continuing Education) and Martin Rudd (Assistant Chancellor for Access Campuses) (1:15-1:45)
Discussion Items
1. SOS question addition process
2. SONA funding
3. Faculty travel support
4. General Psychology Research Requirement
5. Others
C. Announcements
1. Mask regulations on campus after spring break
2. Others
D. Upcoming Events.
1. Next Dept meeting: 3/18/22 1-3 PM
2. Others
Jennifer Carter