Video Conference Call
Department of Psychology Agenda
April 10, 2020
1:00-3:00 PM Online
1. Consideration/approval of minutes of February 28, 2020 meeting (one-drive file 2)
2. Discussion Items
a. Graduate Program Coordinator Fall 20- Spring 2023 (one-drive file 3)
b. Program Review: External Consultant Evaluation Form for APA, Report,
and Worksheet for assessing recommendations (one-drive file 4 & 5)
c. Pass-Fail policy for Spring 2020 courses
d. Graduate Program update & applications for Fall 2020
e. Return of Vacant Position request
f. Curriculum modification response for Faculty Committee
g. Student feedback surveys for Spring 2020 courses
h. Strategies for Spring 2020 online courses (one-drive file 6)
i. Back-up course instructors on Canvas (one-drive file 7)
3. Announcements from Faculty & Staff
4. Upcoming Events:
a. Next Department Meeting April 24, 2020, 1-3 online
Jenny Carter