Psychology Department
01:00 pm
Video Conference Call
Department of Psychology Agenda
October 8, 2021, 1:00-3:00 PM
Teams Meeting Link: See below
A. Consideration/approval of minutes of Sept 24, 2021 meeting; (one-drive file 2)
B. Action Items
a. Departmental Policy Committee (one-drive file 3)
C. Discussion Items
a. Search updates
b. PERC process & prerequisites
c. Faculty Workload Reassignment Working Group Proposal (one-drive file 4)
d. Self-plagiarism by students (one-drive file 5)
e. Role of online & hybrid classes in Psychology curriculum
f. Others
D. Announcements
E. Upcoming Events.
a. GRE Information Session for Students: 10/13/21 3-4 PM, Sage 1234
b. Next Dept meeting: 10/22/21 1-3 PM
c. Others?