January 23, 2024 – CC S034 1-3 PM or via Teams 3. Others NOTE: our meeting also has a virtual option; the link is below. Meeting Link/Invite: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aERBUDad46ItxleTbyFAnlFJrb9HkW6uG4aTydfS8tUw1%40thread.tacv2/1702404268584?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2216b8b9f2-f7bd-431a-b739-d49428e26316%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%226b4f89d8-ed3b-47ec-be45-274647fe9270%22%7d Jim Koch 12/13/2023
In-Person Clow Classroom S034 Department of Psychology Meeting Agenda December 15, 2023, 1-3:00 PM in CC S034 or via Teams A. Consideration of minutes from 12/8/2023 department meeting (one-drive file 2) B. Guest – Provost Ed Martini C. Discussion Items 1. Department By-Laws Revision Draft (one-drive file 3) 2. Final DA Reassignments & Division of Duties (one-drive files 4 & 5) 3, Others C. Announcements 1. New Department Associate: Amy Rogge 2. Other items D. Upcoming Events. 1. Mid-Year Commencement: December 16, 2023 – Kolf Fieldhouse 10 AM 2. Next Department Meeting: