I. Open Session:
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of minutes from October 16th 2019 meeting
3. Additions to Agenda
II. New Business/Action Items:
1. New student application and Summer program update
2. Summer student testing appointments
3. New add card process
4. Recruitment event summary
5. Pay plan
6. Finals week preparation
7. Holiday time off
III. Old Business/Action Items:
1. Provost Summit
2. Scholarships
V. Announcements:
1. Other items from the floor
VI. Request of topics to Cover at Next Meeting: N/A
VII. Next Scheduled Meeting: December 4th , 2019
VII. Closed Session:
1. Student Concern(s)
2. Spring 2020 OT list
{Closed Session Agenda:6}
Megan Wikel