Video Conference Call
Prior minutes (approval not needed):
COLS course delivery work
Please check rooms to ensure they fit class size (email sent 7/22)
Please check delivery methods to ensure they match what we discussed in June or this past week
Facemask Request Form
Titans Return Update
Send Hammond Office Hours by August 28
Send Hammond all scanning requests by August 31
Send Hammond Syllabi by September 4
Check bookstore online to guarantee correct book order for Fall semester
Jason Neumeyer hired for Access 101 and 105
Policies and Statements
Thomas – Office hours team (red/green dot)
Siemers – Plagiarism statement
Slagter – Grievance statement procedure
Krueger – Caption on recordings – looking into procedures
Implementation of courses and policies/syllabi–sharing resources
Committee Assignments:
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment: Scribner, Siemers, Thomas (convener)
Budget, Planning, and Implementation: Jasinski, Krueger (convener), Simmons, Slagter
Grievance: Scribner, Siemers, Simmons, Thomas
Personnel: As appropriate
PreLaw Club Faculty Advisor: Thomas
PSSA Faculty Advisor: Scribner
Outreach: Siemers and ???
Angelee Hammond