04:10 pm
Video Conference Call
Mathematics Department Meeting (Online)
Feb. 10, 2022
4:10 – 5:10 pm
I. Minutes from Dec. 2, 2021 and Jan. 13, 2022
II. State of the Department
III. New business
a. Limit CAPP instructors to one class at a time – Amy Parrott
b. Math 256 Learning Outcomes (draft attached)—Core Curriculum Committee (Ken Price, Carrie Tirel)
c. Revision to our current “Policy for Approval of Online and Hybrid Graduate Course Credits toward Certification of CAPP Adjuncts” (approved February 27, 2020) (attached) — strike item 3 — John Beam
d. Feedback about the Faculty Annual Performance Review process—Linda Eroh
e. Should we have a diversity and equity statement?—Linda Eroh
UW Milwaukee has such a statement:
IV. Old business
V. Announcements
VI. Open Discussion
The meeting will be on Zoom:
For our next meeting (Feb. 24): consider whether you’d like to share in a 10-15 minute Monthly Teaching Showcase at the end of our next meeting, maybe something new you tried in a class and how it worked or didn’t.
Ann Trabbold