Math/Science Division
01:50 pm
Halsey 149
Microsoft Teams link for virtual option:
1. Approval of minutes from April 12, 2022
2. Curriculum Proposals:
1. Astronomy minor- updates electives (Form C)
2. Exercise & Sport Science and Rehabilitation Science majors- updates electives (Form C)
3. Forensic Investigation Certificate- new certificate (Form C)
4. GEOLOGY 101- new course (Form A)
5. PHYS/AST 310- updates prerequisites (Form B)
6. PHYS/AST 313- updates prerequisites (Form B)
7. Physics major: Applied Physics emphasis- updates electives (Form C)
8. UW Collaborative Online AAS Degree- updates electives (Form C)
3. Items from the Associate Dean
4. Items from the Chairs
5. Adjournment
Samantha Anderson