Math/Science Division
02/15/2022 01:50 pm In-Person Halsey 149 1. Approval of minutes from December 14, 2021 2. Curriculum Proposals: 1. Earth Science Museum Studies Certificate- new certificate (Form C) 2. GEOLOGY 317: Forensic Geology- new course (Form A) 3. GEOLOGY 380: Earth Science Museums and Collections- new course (Form A) 4. GEOLOGY 381: Earth Science Museum Internship- new course (Form A) 5. KIN 427: Professional Preparation in Strength and Conditioning- new course (Form A) 6. Medical Technology major- updates the name of the major to Medical Laboratory Science (Form C) 7. Strength and Conditioning major- removes KIN 447 and replaces with KIN 427 as required course and removes 1 credit from major 3. Items from the Associate Dean 4. Items from the Chairs 5. Adjournment Samantha Anderson 02/11/2022