Institutional Review Board
11:30 am
Video Conference Call
UW Oshkosh Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Monday, November 7, 2022 – 11:30am – 1:00pm
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Current IRB Membership: 14 voting, quorum=8 (*15 voting for prisoner research in which quorum=8) Anca Miron, IRB Chair, Psychology (scientist)
Melissa Bublitz, Marketing (scientist)
Kathleen Wren, Nursing (scientist)
Kirsten Ihde, Music (nonscientist)
Thomas Fischer, Special and Early Childhood Education (scientist)
Christopher Rose, Criminal Justice (scientist)
Michael Ford, Public Administration (scientist)
Rev. Kevin Mundell, Community Representative (nonaffiliated, non-scientist)
Kimberly Calvert, Kinesiology and Athletic Training (scientist)
Kathy Phillippi-Immel, Psychology, UWO Fox Cities Campus (scientist)
Evan Williams, Philosophy (non-scientist)
Nenad Stojilovic, Physics (scientist)
Nadia Louar, Foreign Language (non-scientist)
Kristi Wilkum, Communication Studies, UWO Fond du Lac Campus (scientist)
Prisoner Representative:
*Carmen Heider, Communication, non-scientist (*only voting member for prisoner research)
Larry Herzberg, Philosophy (alternate non-scientist)
Christopher Groves, Psychology (alternate scientist)
Michael Lenza, Criminal Justice, (alternate prisoner representative)
I. Meeting called to order at _________ by _______.
a. Attendance and Confirmation of Quorum
b. Review and approval of minutes from the IRB meeting held on October 10, 2022.
II. Continuing Education (Schill)
a. Updates to NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy
III. IRB Reviews/Approvals to report since last meeting: See IRB Tracking Sheet-Approvals Tab
IV. Old Business (Chair Miron)
a. Free Speech Survey
i. IRB Authorization Agreement is in place with UW-Stout
b. Wisconsin Department of Justice Research
i. UW-Milwaukee to review the DOJ Studies.
V. New Business
a. New IRB Protocols for Full Committee Review: (1)
i. Protocol #NE23-01: Investigating the Difference Between Provocation and Frustration on the Activation of Aggressive Concepts Measured by Lexical Decision Task Reaction Times (PI: Christopher Groves, student: Samara Markle).
Primary Reviewer: Anca Miron, Secondary Reviewer: Kathleen Wren
b. Modification Requests for Full Board Review: (0)
c. Extension Requests/Continuing Review for Full Board Review: (0)
d. IRB Standard Operating Procedures: (SOPs) (1)
i. New SOP
1. SOP #19: IRB Oversight for Clinical Trials
VI. IRB Administration Updates: (Schill)
a. Renewal of Federalwide Assurance submitted and valid 5 years; expires 10/28/27.
b. IRB Registration renewal submitted and valid 3 years; expires 10/24/25.
c. Creating Subcommittees to review and update existing SOPs.
VII. Items from IRB Committee Members:
VIII. Items from IRB Guests:
IX. Upcoming IRB Meeting Dates
a. January 3, 2023 at 10:00 AM via Microsoft Teams
X. Meeting Adjourned at ____________ by ____________.
Kelly Schill