Humanities Division
01:30 pm
Swart 113
Microsoft Teams link for virtual option:
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1. Approval of minutes from April 11, 2023
2. Curriculum Proposals:
1. ANTHRO 103: Introduction to Hmong/American Studies- cross-lists course with HMONG ST (Form B)
2. COMM/AAS 335: Blackness in American Visual Culture- new course (Form A)
3. Communication Studies major, Communication Studies minor: Communication Studies minor & Organizational Communication minor emphases- adds COMM 228 and COMM 335 as electives (Form C)
4. ENGLISH 334/534: Wisconsin in Literature- updates course title, description, and dual level listing (Form B)
5. English Liberal Arts major & English Secondary Education major, English Literature minor & English Secondary Education minor: moves ENG 334/534 to satisfy different area requirement (Form C)
6. PHIL 150Q2: Philosophy of Happiness- new course (Form A)
7. RTF 325: Television Practicum- makes the course repeatable for credit (Form B)
8. RTF 326: Radio Practicum- makes the course repeatable for credit (Form B)
9. RTF major, RTF minor- adds RTF 354 and RTF 355 as electives (Form C)
10. SOC/AAS251: Social Problems of Black America- new course (Form A)
3. Announcements from Associate Dean
4. Announcements from Chairs
5. Adjournment
Samantha Anderson