Video Conference Call
Call to Order
1. Approval of the March 5, 2020 Council minutes (1 minute) [note: no Council meeting April 2, 2020.]
2. Action Items
a.Grad Council Rep Appointments
i. APC – Cathy Toll (shared COEHS and GC rep)
ii. FDB – Marguerite Penick-Parks
3. Discussion Items (35 minutes)
a. Interim Grad Studies Director appt | Council Chair (Provost John K.)
b. Spring 2020 Alternative Grades
c. Spring 2020 Virtual Commencement
4. Graduate Studies Office Business (30 mins, Dianne P., Greg W.)
a. Enrollment Management
i. Program admission and enrollment activities – summer and fall
ii. Promo and Unsub reports
b. Graduate Assistants (Dianne)
i. Salary (Provost John K.)
ii. CoVID-19 Leave
iii. New hiring and tracking process
iv. AY 2020-21 hiring
v. What does next year look like?
c. Processing and Procedures (Greg)
i. New e-Application – 8/1/2020.
Greg Wypiszynski