Graduate Council
01:20 pm
Sage Hall 2210
1. Approval of the November 7, 2019 Council minutes (1 minute)
2. CAC Action Items (Don Heath) (10 mins)
a. Form C – Nursing
i. Eliminate GAP
ii. Eliminate Healthcare Informatics Certificate
iii. Shared graduate credits BSN@Home : MSN
b. Form C – MBA: Add BUS 796 as elective to HR emphasis
3. Discussion Items (50 minutes)
a. Chair selection process in Spring 2020 (see bylaws)
i. Process
ii. Who’s interested?
b. Separate Grad Commencement – Time to Reconsider?
i. Student concerns
ii. Future changes because of access campuses
iii. Pre- or post-commencement?. Separate reception?
c. Enrollment Management
i. Stats – Sp20 enrollment – (-12%, 12/2/19)
ii. Items to Consider
1. Express admission
2. Eliminate standardized admission test; under consideration for UG Admissions
iii. Accomplishments/Successes
1. Admissions and enrollments underway for MS – ITM and ABT
d. Provost’s Advisory Committee on University-wide Academic Structure (PACUAS) discussion and Q&A | PACUAS survey (Representative – Jennifer Christus, Chemistry)
4. Items from the Floor (as time permits)
5. Information Items
a. Dianne Parker began 11/25 in the Graduate Studies office. Her first Council meeting will be Feb 6, 2020.
Greg Wypiszynski