Video Conference Call 1) Call to Order 2) Conversation with Provost Ed Martini 3) Approval of October 12, 2023 Graduate Council minutes 4) CAC Update 4.a) Form C_CON_PMHNP_Certificate admission requirements 5) Discussion Items 5.a) Addition to the Graduate Bulletin regarding student continuation in and dismissal from a graduate program 5.b) Transfer credit scalability 5.b.i) The current limit on transfer credits is nine in a 30-36 credit graduate program. Should that be scalable for programs with total credit requirements greater than 36? 6) Graduate Studies Office Business 6.a) Max number of credits taken as a special student before admission to program is 12. Will be enforced beginning in Spring 2024. More than 12 credits taken as a special student and then applied to degree program will require review and approval. 6.b) If a program changes its admit term(s) and/or processes, please communicate with Grad Studies as early as possible so we can update our processes and communicate with students. 6.c) Please send candidacy/VPS, curriculum mod, and time-to-degree extension forms for Fall 2023 graduates by November 15. 7) Items from the Floor (as time permits) ADJOURN Kathy Zuckweiler 10/31/2023