I. Guest: AVC for HR – Shawna Kuether – Updates
II. State of the University
A. Senate of Academic Staff (Miller)
B. University Staff Senate (Jaeke)
C. OSA (Debroux)
D. Access Campus Report (Jurmu)
III. Minutes of February 25, 2020 [pp 470-471]
IV. Unfinished Business
V. New Business/Action Items
A. Handbook Approval Form – IT Steering Committee [p 472]
B. Committee Appointments
I. USP –Humanities Rep: Christine Roth (semester sub)
II. Faculty Advocacy Committee – Senator Seat open
C. Recommendation from Faculty Senate to the Provost on Student Opinion Survey [pp 473-475]
D. Recommendation from Faculty Senate regarding implementation of SOS [p 476]
I. Forms C
1. COLS: Anthropology – Indigenous Studies Certificate [pp 477-481]
2. COEHS: Special & Early Childhood Ed. – Discontinue Autism Spectrum Disorders Certificate [pp 482-487]
3. COB: Information Systems – Business Analysis Certificate [pp 488-491]
4. COB: Information Systems – Business Analysis emphasis [pp 492-495]
5. COB: Economics- Change ECON BBA elective requirements [pp 496-501]
6. COLS: Theatre – Add to electives for Minor, 210, 212, 214, 216, 264 [pp 502-506]
7. COLS: Biology – Replace Biology Major’s Healthcare-Science Emphasis with Biomedical Science Major [pp 507-524]
8. COLS: African American Studies – Increase number of required coursed to 4 and redesign minor [pp 525-531]
II. Repeat Policy [p 532 ]
VI. Discussion Items
A. Academic Planning Update – Provost Koker
VII. Committee Reports
VIII. Information Items
A. USP Items courses: (1) UWX-BIO 101- Concepts of Biology, & (2) UWX-SOC 231 – Crime and Criminal Justice
B. Faculty Senate Elections Reminder: Primary Elections: March 18 & 19; Final Elections: April 8 & 9.
IX. Items from Members
X. President’s Report
A. Provost Administrative Staff
B. Chancellors Administrative Staff
April Dutscheck