I. State of the University
A. Senate of Academic Staff (Miller)
B. University Staff Senate (Jaeke)
C. OSA (Debroux)
D. Access Campus Report (Jurmu)
II. Minutes of February 11, 2020 [pp 437-440]
III. Unfinished Business
IV. New Business/Action Items
A. Endorsement of Access Campus Collegium [p 441]
B. Committee Appointment: APC – Don Heath (semester sub)
V. Discussion Items
A. Student Opinion Survey
1. Background [pp 442-446]
2. SOS Task Force White Paper [pp 447-459]
3. Improvement of Instruction Committee Report [pp 460-465]
B. Access Campus participation in academic search committees
VI. Committee Reports
A. Budget Process Committee – Senator Lancaster [pp 466-467]
VII. Information Items
A. USP Items course list [p 468] Full forms in OneDrive for Senators
B. OSA Food Pantry donation drive [March 16-19]
C. Faculty Senate Elections
VIII. Items from Members
IX. President’s Report
A. Provost Administrative Staff
B. Leadership Council
April Dutscheck