Economics Department
01:45 pm
Sage 2419
1. Approve 9-6-22 meeting minutes
2. Announcements
a. SA/SP status check this month
b. Your individual PD funds forecast
c. Early alert (October 5 – 11) and individual ad hoc alerts
d. Advising season is approaching: Link to major planning sheets and program guide.
3. Decision items:
a. Sarinda Form Bs
4. Discussion items:
a. New MBA program
b. New late assignment language in College policy: “Since it is important that business students learn to meet deadlines and honor commitments, it is the policy of the College of Business to only accept late work at the discretion of the instructor.”
c. Sufficient conditions for promotion
d. Tested experience policy
e. Post-test/BKE discussion (Sarinda)
f. Updates to faculty evaluation policies (add IAS terminology and adjust SOS approach)
5. Walk-ons
Erin Johnson