Director of Student Outreach and Retention Search and Screen
01:00 pm
Video Conference Call
Director of Student Outreach and Retention Search and Screen Committee
1:00:00-2:00 PM 02/08/2022 Agenda
Members: Art Munin (Chair), Lindsey DeVries (Chair Assistant), Kim Donat, Paul Gedlinske, Byron Adams, Lisa Danielson, Lisa Sullivan, Rebecca Ashauer (student representative)
1. Call meeting to order
2. Motion to move to closed session
“for discussion of candidates per Wisconsin state statute §19.85 (1)(c) consideration of employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data and §19.85 (1)(f) consideration of financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data; preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems.”
3. Discuss results of first round of interviews. Summarize candidate strengths and weaknesses and determine who to move forward with for on campus interviews.
4. Discuss interview questions.
5. Discuss format and schedule for on campus interviews.
Lindsey DeVries