I. Open Session:
- Call to Order
- Approval of Minutes from October 11, 2019
- Additions to Agenda
II. New Business/Action Items:
- Spring Enrollment-All
- Tk20 Usage for Applications, Videos, etc.- Henderson
- Table Cloth Design- All
III. Old Business/Action Items:
- Update- Search for Position/Create Position Description- All
- Layout Courses and Set Timeline for Transition to 60 Credit School Counseling Program and 60 Credit Student Affairs and College Counseling Program- All
- Update- IAS Candidates-Swanson
- Fall 2020 Schedule Review-All
- Handbook Revisions-recurring-All IV. Committee Reports:
V. Announcements: Spring 2020 Textbook Orders are Due by October 25, 2019
Prepared on 10/16/2018