Department of Professional Counseling
09:00 am
Video Conference Call
I. Open Session:
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes from February 18, 2022
3. Additions to Agenda
4. Announcements
II. New Business/Action Items:
1. Fall Enrollment-Possible numbers with new cohort- Harper
2. Ally March Tabling Opportunity
3. New Student Orientation- Harper
4. Spring 2023 Schedule- Harper
5. DPI Visit –Harper
6. Site Supervisor Training-Henderson
III. Old Business:
1. Lab Update- Harper
2. Tevera Update- Harper
3. CACREP Updates and Reaccreditation – Lindsey
4. Clinical Experiences Checklist Update -Henderson
IV. Committee Reports
V. Closed Session: Student Concerns
Leslie Johannes