Video Conference Call
I. Open Session:
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes from April 30, 2021
3. Additions to Agenda
II. New Business/Action Items: None
III. Old Business:
1. Renovation Update-Swanson
2. Bylaws- Swanson
3. Handbook Revisions- All
4. Merit/Pay Plan Review- Swanson
5. SOS Policy-Swanson
6. Hooding Updates-Swanson
7. School Emphasis 60 Credit Program Update- Swanson
8. Alumni and Supervisor Surveys- Swanson
9. CACREP Updates and Reaccreditation – Lindsey
III. Committee Reports:
IV. Announcements-Swanson
V. Request of topics to Cover at Next Meeting:
VI. Next Scheduled Meeting- TBD
VII. Closed Session: Student Concerns
Leslie Johannes