I. Open Session:
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes from November 15, 2019
3. Additions to Agenda
II. New Business/Action Items:
1. Clinical Experience Log- Henderson
2. Scholarships- Swanson
3. Hooding Ceremony-Swanson
4. Returning Students-Swanson
5. Special Student Request- Swanson
6. Graduate Assistant for Spring- All
7. CECE Exam- A. Saginak
III. Old Business/Action Items:
1. Update- Search Status- All
2. Layout Courses and Set Timeline for Transition to 60 Credit School Counseling Program and 60 Credit Student Affairs and College Counseling Program- All
3. Update- IAS Candidates-Swanson
4. Handbook Revisions-recurring-All
5. Update- Clinical Experience Application Revisions and Tk20 Usage- Henderson/Swanson
6. Program Memorandum- Henderson
IV. Committee Reports:
V. Announcements:
VI. Request of topics to Cover at Next Meeting:
VII. Next Scheduled Meeting: December 13, 2019
Closed Session: Student Concerns.
Leslie Johannes