Clow S210J-Heritage Room
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Undergraduate Program Committee Meeting
Friday, May 3, 2024, 1:00-3:00 PM
Clow S210J Heritage Conference Room- Teams Link
I. Welcome
II. Action Items:
1. Approve 3 1 2023 Minutes
III. Discussion/Informational Items:
1. Dr Jasmine Buxton, Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs & Dean of Students. -DOS no longer providing out of class absences/excuses. If instructors have questions refer them to: and expand the “class attendance policy” for more information.
2. Adding to the rubric for grand round videos the subtraction of points for mispronunciations of medications and disease processes. -Jen Becker-Manthey/Kelsey Laabs.
3. Telehealth grant update on curriculum development-Dr. Debbie Walrath
4. Criteria for Direct Entry.
IV. Consent Agenda Items:
1. Clinical Placement Reports:
2. Simulation Reports:
3. Level Updates:
4. Tutoring Minutes: None
5. Cohort Facilitator Report:
V. Other
VII. Adjourn.
Amy Gross