Call to order in open session
Closed Session:
Chair entertains motion to move into closed session as permitted by WI Statute 19.85(1)(c)&(f). (if applicable)
“Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.”
Open Session:
Chair entertains motion to reconvene in open session
1. Motion to approve minutes from 10.15.19
2. Policies to review
3. Clinical Track Faculty
• Fac handbook Clinical Track policy revised Lancaster edits
• Examples of other university policies on clinical track faculty
• HR’s guidance for hiring clinical track faculty
4. Forms
• 6.2 Clinical Teaching Evaluation
• 6.3 Online Peer Evaluation Form
• 6.4 Agency Evaluation of Clinical Instructor
Chair entertains motion to adjourn
{Closed Session Agenda:6}
Kim Harrington