Video Conference Call
I. Call to Order/Convene in Open Session All
II. Search and Screen Membership Dean Westphal
III. Charge of the Committee Dean Westphal
Discuss nature of the position, qualities of an ideal candidate, recruitment timeline, and other expectations.
IV. Motion to elect chair of committee CON Voting Members
4.09 Faculty Search and Screen Committee – CON Bylaws:
(1) The Faculty Search and Screen Committee shall consist of the Post-licensure Program Director, the Pre-licensure Program Director and two elected tenured faculty as defined in 1.01 (1). The faculty shall serve for staggered 2-year terms. (2) The chair shall be elected for a 1-year term.
(3) The Faculty Search and Screen Committee has the responsibility to:
(a) Act in advisory capacity to the Dean.
(b) Develop and implement procedures relating to faculty recruitment.
(c) Screen application materials and make recommendations to the Dean regarding candidates to be interviewed.
(d) Coordinate recruitment activities with the Office of Equity and Affirmative Action.
V. Automatic postings and advertising All
VI. Timeline All
VII. Desired Candidates All
VIII. Campus Interviews All
IX. Review Position Description All
X. Adjourn All