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Open Meeting Calendar

This is a list of open meetings at UW Oshkosh. All listings are submitted by the meeting organizers. Please contact the meeting organizer with questions. For additional information about UW Oshkosh open meeting posting procedures, please email For other events on the UW Oshkosh campus, please see our main events calendar.
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Computer Science Department

March 5, 2020 @ 8:30 am - 9:30 am

1. Approval of minutes from previous meeting (2/6/20)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Approval of revisions to Tenure and Renewal Policy
4. Discussion on report from Curriculum Committee
5. Approval of Form C to add CS 326 to requirements for CS-ST emphasis
6. Approval of Form C to create the Web and Mobile Development Minor
7. Approval of Form C to create the Computer Programming Certificate
8. Approval of Form C to create the Web Design Certificate
9. Discussion and Approval of Form C to open admissions to the Software Technology major to students who begin study at UWO
10.Update from Assessment Committee
11.Spring 2021 Course Assignments and Teaching Schedule
12.Conference Travel Budget Allocation
13.Upper level credits deficits in our majors
14.Other items

Mary Margaret Hollstein



March 5, 2020
8:30 am - 9:30 am


Halsey Science Center 229C