Video Conference Call
COLS Faculty Committee Meeting Agenda – REVISED
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
1. Review Minutes from May 22, 2024
2. Items from the Dean
a. Faculty Committee charge
b. School Models Voting
3. Introductions and Overview of the Committee
a. COLS Intranet – (all COLS access) COLS bylaws and policies, standing committee agendas/minutes, L&S Council info
b. Google Drive – (Faculty Committee access only) working documents for Faculty Committee, including department bylaws and policies, Faculty Committee agendas/minutes
c. Duties and Timeline for Faculty Committee – on COLS Intranet
4. Review lsfacultycommittee email box
5. Faculty Committee Chair Election/Representative at L&S Council Meetings
6. Standing Committee vacancies/trades
7. Kinesiology – Tenure/Renewal Policy status
a. 2/7/24 minutes: “Return to the department for additional information/questions on how student research mentoring and the reaccreditation reports are counted.”
8. Semester Meeting Schedule
9. Items from Members
10. Adjournment
Jane Luker