Video Conference Call Meeting ID: 255 731 726 88 Passcode: HxEGBi Or call in (audio only) +1 608-440-8168,,416946967# United States, Madison Phone Conference ID: 416 946 967# AGENDA A. Approval of minutes from November 17, 2023 B. Consideration of Curriculum Proposals: New Business: 1. All Advertising, Multimedia Journalism and Public Relations majors- updates required courses (Form C) 2. English Liberal Arts major, English Linguistics minor, and Rhetoric minor- adds ENG 317 as an elective (Form C) 3. GLC 128Q1: Fiesta in the USA: Celebrating America in Latinx Art, Film, and Literature- new course (Form A) 4. Mathematics major- updates the capstone requirement (Form C) 5. SOC/AAS 356: The Black Male in the U.S.- new SOC course cross-listing with AAS 356 (Form A) Old Business: 1. Sociology major, Sociology minor, Social Equity & Diversity certificate- updates required courses (Form C) Samantha Anderson 11/22/2023