COLS Curriculum Committee
03:00 pm
Video Conference Call
A. Approval of minutes from October 25, 2022.
B. Consideration of Curriculum Proposals:
New Business:
1. Fine Arts major: Art Education emphasis- removes ED FOUND 380 (Form C)
2. GEOLOGY 109: Evolution of the Earth- updates prerequisites (Form B)
3. Kinesiology courses- course deletions (Form B)
4. LGBTQ Studies Certificate- adds WG STDS 130 to list of “significant content” electives (Form C)
5. Music Education major: all emphases and all options- removes ED FOUND 380 (Form C)
6. Music Industry minor- updates MUSIC 102 requirement to MUSIC 102 or MUSIC 155 and adds MUSIC 202, 236, 237, 238, and 239 as options for history/culture course requirement.
7. Women’s and Gender Studies major and minor, LGBTQ Studies Certificate- adds SOC/WG STDS 367 as elective (Form C)
Samantha Anderson