Video Conference Call
Approval of minutes from the meeting of September 16, 2020
a. HO1 – Draft minutes
II. Decision Items
1. Form B – changes to prerequisites for BUS 771 Marketing Strategy
a. HO2 – Form B
III. Discussion Items
1. Updates
a. Basic Business Certificate
b. MBA-P Learning Goals Revision
c. MBA-P Strategic Task Force
d. EMBA Separation Process
e. Graduate Bulletin Update and Syllabus Review
2. MBA-P Electives
Discussion of benefits and costs of CMBA and in-house alternatives
3. COB model for oversight of graduate programs
Discussion of alternative governance structures
IV. New Business/Good of the Order
Active Projects/Lead Role
• Develop Certificate in Basic Business Administration (Skiver)
• MBA-P Strategy Task Force (Lilly/Larson)
• Review/revise MBA-P learning goals (Rawski)
• Draft 2019-2020 AOL Report (Stuart)
• EMBA separation support (Beyer)
Shay Stephen