Video Conference Call
Order of Business
1. Call to order
2. Approval of minutes from April 21, 2021
3. New business-
a. Proposal (Form C) from Teaching and Learning to revise Elementary Language Arts
(ELA) Minor
b. Proposal (Form C) from Teaching and Learning to create Elem- Middle School Program
c. Proposal (Form C) from Teaching and Learning to revise Social Science Education Major
d. Proposal (Form C) from Teaching and Learning to revise Broadfield Science Major
e. Proposal (Form C) from Teaching and Learning to create Language Arts Certificate
f. Proposal (Form C) from Teaching and Learning to create Math Certificate
g. Proposal (Form C) from Teaching and Learning to create Social Science Certificate
h. Proposal (Form C) from Teaching and Learning to create Environmental Science Certificate
i. Proposal (Form C) from Teaching and Learning to create Art Integration Certificate
j. Proposal (Form A) from Teaching and Learning for New Course UWX ED230: Educational
Psychology (revisit)
k. Proposal (Form C) from HKHE to confirm the already approved degree options for Physical
Education Majors
l. Proposal (Form A) from HKHE for New Course Phy Ed 113: Weight Training
m. Proposal (Form C) from Professional Counseling to increase School Counseling program from
48 to 60 credits
n. Proposal (Form A) from Professional Counseling for new course PRF CNSL 736: College &
Career Readiness & Postsecondary Planning
o. Proposal (Form A) from Professional Counseling for new course PRF CNSL 737: Individual
and Systemic Theoretical Application in Schools
p. Proposal (Form A) from Professional Counseling for new course PRF CNSL 738: Leadership,
Consultation, & Collaboration in School Systems
q. Proposal (Form A) from Professional Counseling for new course PRF CNSL 739: Trauma,
Crisis, & Emergency Management in Schools
4. Old Business-
a. Proposal (Form C) from Leadership, Literacy and Social Foundations to modify the number of
doctoral-level transfer credits accepted into the EdD in Educational Leadership program.
b. Proposal (Form C) form Teaching and Learning to revise Elementary Language Arts (ELA) Minor
c. Proposal (Form B) from Special and Early Childhood Education to delete Spec Ed 602 –
American Sign Language I
d. Proposal (Form B) from Special and Early Childhood Education to delete Spec Ed 603 –
American Sign Language II
e. Proposal (Form C) from Special and Early Childhood Education for the Removal of Spec Ed 602
and 603 as elective options for the MSE
f. Proposal (Form C) from Special and Early Childhood Education for the Elimination of the
Graduate Certificate Program in American Sign Language and Deaf Culture
g. Curriculum Committee Process
Leslie Johannes