Order of Business
1. Call to order
2. Approval of minutes from December 4, 2019
3. Old business-
a. Proposal (Form C) from HSL to reduce number of credits needed for undergraduate certificate-
Modifications received.
b. Proposal (Form C) from Special & Early Childhood Education to add the new Early Childhood Special
Education Accelerated Licensure Program Certificate
c. Proposal (Form C) from Special & Early Childhood Education to add an Option within the MSE
Special Education Degree Program: Early Childhood Special Education Accelerated Licensure
d. Degree Requirements in USP- PI 34 Update
HKHE and T&L- Modify Undergraduate Course Requirements (Form C)
Special & Early Childhood Education and T&L- Modify Undergraduate Course Requirements
(Form C)
e. Proposal (Form C) from HSL to reduce number of credits needed for undergraduate certificate-
Modifications received.
4. New Business –
a. Proposal (Form A) from HKHE for a new course- UWX HE209: Nutrition and Weight Management
b. Proposal (Form A) from HKHE for a new course- PE 201: Intro to Fitness and Strength
c. Proposal (Form A) from HKHE for a new course- PE 202: PE 202 Prevention and Response to Injuries
for Teachers and Coaches
d. Proposal (Form B) from HSL to make course 18-111: Exploring Human Services part of USP Course-
Explore Society
e. HSL Self Study to be Reviewed-2 readers
5. Adjournment
Future Meeting Dates: February 12, March 4 & 18, April 1 & 15, May 6, 2020
Leslie Johannes