1. Call to order
2. Approval of minutes from November 20, 2019
3. Old business-
a. Proposal (Form C) from HSL to reduce number of credits needed for undergraduate certificate-
Modifications not received.
b. Proposal (Form C) from Special & Early Childhood Education to discontinue Autism Spectrum
Disorders Certificate- with Proposal (Form B) from Special & Early Childhood Education to
delete the following courses: Spec Ed 473/673 Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders, Spec Ed
474/674 Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, & Spec Ed 475/675 Autism Spectrum
Disorders- Modifications received.
c. Proposal (Form C) from Special & Early Childhood Education to add the new Early Childhood Special
Education Accelerated Licensure Program Certificate
d. Proposal (Form C) from Special & Early Childhood Education to add an Option within the MSE
Special Education Degree Program: Early Childhood Special Education Accelerated Licensure
e. Degree Requirements in USP- PI 34 Update
HKHE and T&L- Modify Undergraduate Course Requirements (Form C)
Special & Early Childhood Education and T&L- Modify Undergraduate Course Requirements
(Form C)- Modifications received.
4. New Business – Set meeting dates for spring
5. Adjournment
The 2019 fall semester meetings will be held on Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. on the following dates: September 11, September 25, October 9, October 23, November 6, November 20, and December 4.
Leslie Johannes