01:30 pm
Video Conference Call
1. Approve minutes from November 30th, 2022 meeting (HO 1)
2. Announcements/updates:
a. Meeting time in spring 2023: Fridays 11:30 AM – 1 PM
i. Meeting dates: 2/10, 2/24, 3/10, 3/31, 4/14, 4/28, 5/14
b. Post-test questions:
i. Ethics & Business Law – still waiting for LO mapping update from Finance Dept.
ii. GKR – still waiting for update from Globalization Committee for MHR 375 and Econ 410 post-tests.
3. Curricular Items:
a. Form B – Info Sys 311 – Prerequisites Change (HO 2)
b. Form B – Info Sys 318 – Prerequisites Change (HO 3)
c. Form B – APC 440 – Prerequisites Change (HO 4)
4. Decision Items:
a. BBA Learning Objective 4C – Students will demonstrate competency in understanding and analyzing data (HO 5).
b. BBA AoL Annual Report 2021-2022 (HO 6)
5. Discussion Items:
a. BBA Learning Objective 3B (Students will evaluate the interconnectedness between organizational practices and social/economic/ecological factors).
6. Walk-ons
Ivy Buchan