Video Conference Call
UWO College of Business
Faculty & Staff Meeting
Friday, October 2, 2020
Virtual Meeting Agenda
3:00 –4:30 pm
Link: MS Teams
I. Welcome and Announcements (5 minutes)
II. Approval of Minutes from Meeting of September 8, 2020 – B. Rau (2 minutes)
III. Decision Items (15 minutes)
A. College Elections:
Explanation: Elections for Globalization and Full Professor Committees
Eligible Voters: Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty
Quorum: 21
Voting: Using the Chat feature via MS Teams
1. Globalization Committee
a) 3-Year Term 2020-23: Need 1 Total
(1) 1 Replacing Sarinda Taengnoi
B. Changes to PMBA & COB Grad Certificate Admission Criteria (HO1, HO2)- N. Stuart (20 minutes)
IV. Discussion Items
A. None
V. Updates (15 minutes)
A. Foundation – Nancy Jo Dietzen
B. Policy Changes
C. College Projects
VI. Concluding Remarks and Walk Ons (5 minutes)
Next Meeting: Friday, November 6, 2020, 3:00-4:30pm, Location TBD
The Mission of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh College of Business is to be a leader in providing high quality and applied business academic programs to enhance the economic vitality of Northeastern Wisconsin and beyond. We do so through dedicated student-focused teaching, profound student professional development, relevant applied, discipline-based, and pedagogical research, and value-adding outreach activity.
Melissa Schraufnagel