Chemistry Department
03:00 pm
Fox Cities campus, M1130
October 28, held at UWO-Fox Cities and via Teams
1. Approval of minutes from Meeting #2 (Sep 9): draft minutes ChemDptMtg2_9Sep22.docx
2. PERC plans and approval of previous curriculum modification plan reports (in this folder: PERC reports and Plans for Meeting #3)
3. Bylaws revisions Proposed: Draft Department of Chemistry Bylaws_Oct2022.docx and Current: Chemistry Bylaws (2007).doc
4. Discussion of chemistry chair vs co-chair structure and PERC.
5. Discussion of Holiday Party options (Social Committee).
6. Summer school offerings sum23_courserequest.memo.pdf
7. ACS guidelines revisions: ACS Guidelines-DRAFT-Sept-21-2022.pdf and ACS Changes-2023Guidelines.xlsx
8. DFW rates awareness and opportunities (Koker information here: DFW data from John Koker)
9. Office space at Oshkosh for FdL and Fox
10. Tentative next department meeting: November 18, 3pm
Microsoft Teams meeting
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Kevin Crawford