Department Meeting Agenda – Meeting #7
Friday, March 22, 2024; 1:50-4:00 PM; HS-436 and Zoom
1. Meet Bryan Lilly, an Academic Planning Transition team member.
2. Approval of minutes from the February 9, 2024 meeting #6 (draft minutes attached)
3. Announcements from the chair.
4. Space Planning Committee. (Office HS 438 assigned to visiting professor Peng Lin)
5. Assessment Committee report. (Attachment)
6. Awards Committee report. (Nominees for a few chemistry awards)
7. Gas cylinder inventory. (Greg)
8. Items from members.
Department meetings will use a “recurring” meeting in Zoom.
Yijun Tang is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 942 2701 7906
Passcode: 123456