In-Person Swart 327 1. Approve Minutes 2. Fall Quest courses 2024 (due Friday, Dec. 15) o Glbl Rel Fa24 Quest Request – Google Sheets o Anthro Fa24 Quest Request – Google Sheets 3. Anthro / ES courses next year? (one each semester?) (346 Indigenous Peoples and National Parks, 347 Indigenization, 353 Arch of Animals, 368 Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conservation, 372 Primatology, 381 Tourism of Anthro) 4. reminder: Anthropology Student Research Fund 5. (A)DA updates 6. NAGPRA Update 7. Andy Smock. Restructuring Workgroup (after 4pm) 8. Miscellaneous • Bookstore orders (due Oct 27) • Happy Hour at Becket’s! Michael Baltutis 12/07/2023