Swart 327
1. Approve minutes / Take minutes
2. Future dept meetings on Tues/Thurs
3. Anthro budget balances (Kristina Mosley email [4/30/24])
4. Anthro awards
• Student Research Fund
• Capstone awards / Bedwell Scholarship
5. USP updates (SMdM; Kim Rivers email [5/7/24])
6. Voting items:
• Jordan as .5 FTE: Anthro/CJ
• Kevin: ARR for conversion from IAS/TAP to tenure-track faculty
• Hmong Studies 230 (Memory and Trauma) cross-list with Anthro
7. SMdM’s Q3 students (Steinhilber Gallery, Reeve 3rd floor; Tuesday, 11:30-1pm)
8. Items from the floor
Michael Baltutis