Swart 327
1. Approve minutes / Take minutes
2. Titan Preview. Friday, April 19, 10:30-11am (Reeve Ballroom) (facility tour?)
3. Website updates (Ashley Elmer 2/14)
• Link Hmong Studies Certificate
4. Catalog clean-up (Anne Stevens 3/13): Anthro and Global Religions courses
5. Property Insurance Inventory (Danielle Juan 3/22)
6. Outside Activities Report (Service Operations 3/29)
7. Online / f2f courses at UW Fox
8. There are no longer OCE/UWO+ sections for the general education courses in COLS
9. Swart photo boards
10. New students (Fall 2024) fully under new BA/BS (non-)requirements
• existing students can change their academic year to new one
• messaging to Anthro majors regarding BA/BS requirements
11. Upper-level cap of 38: future possibility of instituting another tier (focus on active learning; pedagogy and in-class presentations) (15 minimum enrollment remains); Faculty Committee (Mick Rutz) as sounding board for complaints and suggestions
12. NAGPRA Update
13. Miscellaneous
• USP workgroup (SMdM)
Michael Baltutis