Advisory Council for Comprehensive Academic Advising (ACCAA);
Agenda & Notes; February 9, 2021
1) Plan for completion of Advising Assessment Reports
2) Development of Faculty/IAS Award Nomination Form
3) Faculty Advisor Development
a) Canvas = Advising Introduction, Overview, Training
i) Content
ii) Structure/Navigation
b) UARC Faculty Advisor website = FAQs, Problem Solving, Resources
i) Content
ii) Structure/Navigation
c) TO DO:
i) Review UARC Advisor Training Outline and Quest 1 Advising Playlist as starting point
ii) Develop a general “shell” of what all faculty advisors need to know
iii) Create college/department specific modules to address nuances
iv) Develop guidelines or a template for departments to use to promote consistency of information
v) Gather information about;
(1) Who is already doing this and how?
(2) CETL funding to build these sites that are developed in collaboration with faculty from multiple disciplines
(3) How to get faculty to use the tools and measure their understanding of material presented
Lauren Burgbacher